monday mood lifter

so many things inspire me and make me imagine new possibilities...if i had a gentle reminder suspended somewhere highly visible to make a point of utilizing this action...well, it could prove very useful. when i imagine my daughter's room looking like the one below, my desk looking as inspired as the two below and standing in the grassy knoll as pictured, it makes me swoon with delight. then i wonder how to get there. from there, sometimes a plan emerges eventually. the banners below are in the shop.

imagine and inspire a beautiful week.

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1. designers of interiors, furniture ad lighting - brothers evan and oliver haslegrave's loft - via nymag 2. interior designer jacqueline morabito's interior as featured in december 2003 mason cote sud, photo by henri del olmo via trouvais 3. hand-stitched, hand-embroidered banner now in my shop kuwatani 4. handmade banner now in my shop kuwatani 5. dan pearson designed landscape via danpearsonstudio 6. oly's desk via dearoly